Smart Oceans 2020
Convergence. Acceleration. Impact.
Monday October 5 | 12-4pm ET
Wednesday October 7 | 12-5pm ET
Friday October 9 | 12-2pm ET
Plenary Speakers | October 5
Bob Ballard
President, Ocean Exploration Trust
Director, Institute for Archeological Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
David Lang
Co-founder, Sofar Ocean
Co-founder, OpenROV
Margaret Leinen
Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Dean, School of Marine Sciences, University of California San Diego
Peter de Menocal
President, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dawn Wright
Chief Scientist, Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
1000+ Registrations
Accelerating Innovation
This National Science Foundation-sponsored series of workshops aims to accelerate the convergence between academic, industry, government agencies and foundations.
The success of this Convergence Accelerator workshop may lead to a significant investment from the National Science Foundation for ocean research and innovation. Past topics have received investments of more than $50M thus far.